Thursday, August 20, 2020

Darla and Russ

 Darla and Russ, what a pair. Every morning and every evening I feed all of the pigs. Not a lot but I give them a little 2 times a day. These pigs do fight to get their share of food, even though each pig has a bowl. They all try to eat out of every bowl. As I walk out and get the food, each pig in both pens stand at the gate and wait for me. Several weeks again Darla got out. It took a few hours to get her back in. Russ did not like this situation. Now, Darla tries to get out every morning. What’s funny is that Russ blocks her from getting out. He will not let her get out. For that I am grateful to Russ. I usually can block her with my boot, but she will bite at my boot. I just put my foot in her way and she bites it. Probably not funny but I laugh when she does it. She just wants food. Russ and Darla definitely have a bond. I’m amazed at the protection Russ gives her. They needed each other badly. 

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