Saturday, August 15, 2020

Baby mice

 So, we have been doing some yard work lately. Oh my goodness that is no fun. During this time it was decided to get rid of the garden since it was starting to grow into the yard and the weeds were taking over. While that was happening there was a mouse that just would not leave while the mower was going. She finally did move but she was trying to save her babies. That is what she was trying to tell us. I’ve had a friend out here helping me and he got off the mower and then I hear Mya say oh my goodness. Next thing I know, she is holding 2 baby mice. None of us really knew what to do. We could all hear the momma mouse still squealing for her babies. So, I took them from Mya and stuck them in a spot where I thought she could find them. We all walked away after that. Mya went to check on them a few minutes later and they were gone. I’m sure momma came back for them. Of Mya learned nothing else here on the farm, I’m proud she has learned to love animals and have a heart for them. 

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