Friday, August 28, 2020


I was going through and deleting photos this morning since I have racked up over 6,000 again. Ridiculous. I noticed a photo that I never wrote about. Probably because it’s not something that everyone wants to hear, but it’s educational anyway. No one ever wants to think their animal would do anything wrong or hurt someone in anyway. I love my animals more than most people, but they are still animals. They still have the tendency to become aggressive, so you have to watch yourself with them. Gus is one of the sweetest pigs I have put here. However, sometimes he has bad days like the rest of us. I learned when I first got the pigs to be on guard and I am grateful I did. Gus was having a bad day one day and he swiped his head at me. He almost got my face. Luckily I have quick reflexes and knew him well enough to know what was coming and I moved out of the way. He is a neutered animal so it’s not that. It was a rainy, cold January night. It was dark and he was cranky. I get it, we all have those days. I said all of that to say this, regardless of how well you know your animal, you still have to be careful. Gus is fine and he is still here. This has only happened a few times and he has never hurt anyone. I watch closely and tell others to do the same. Gus is a great pig, but he has bad days, too. 

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