Thursday, August 20, 2020

Vet trip

 We have had some issues with Bubba the last few months. Persia and Bubba neither one have been happy about a new cat in the house. The first month was okay but then Bubba started urinating outside the litter box. That can be cleaned up. He really hasn’t urinated on anything that couldn’t be cleaned up easily thank goodness, but recently he came up to me and peed on me. Yes, on me. We had been thinking that it was a behavioral problem because of the new cat. But, enough is enough. Ronnie told me to take him to the vet. Sure enough, part of it was the new cat, but his bladder was inflamed and the vet told me he has a significant heart murmur. He is on a bunch of medicine right now. He talked to me all the way to the vet and all the way home. He was telling me how unhappy he was with having to go to the vet. I can’t say I blame him. But, I hope this fixes him. Poor guy. He is old and grumpy these days. 

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