Sunday, August 30, 2020


 I know a lot of people are wondering about the animals with Ronnie and I moving. I want to put everyone at ease and tell you, we are taking them with us. All of them. I am one of those that gives animals a home for the rest of their life. I do not have the heart to rehome them or try to give them away. It’s different if they are miserable here but I work really hard at giving them the life they deserve. Everyone of these animals are important to me. I mean, I just wrote a book about them. It would look really bad if I rehomed even one of them. I have goals for me and these animals. In fact, to be honest with you, we haven’t found the perfect place to move yet because I need a place big enough for them to be happy. 2 acres isn’t enough for them so it will not do. I’m grateful to my husband for having my back with this decision. He might not admit it, but he likes the animals, too. He doesn’t want me to rehome them. He is just happy I have decided to move so he can be more apart of all of it. I am determined to find a spot where we will all have enough room and we will all be able to be happy. That’s my goal with this move. He looked at a house not long ago that had 4 acres but it was split into 2 properties and it was nothing but dirt. No grass or trees anywhere on the property. He knew that wasn’t going to work. I’m not splitting the animals and they need grass and trees for shade. I know there is a place for us, we just have to find it. These animals are going to be happy and healthy on our new property. I know it. Hopefully before too long I can share my thoughts on my plans for the future with them. For now, I am just going to keep planning. I am grateful to everyone who has wondered about their home situation and I am grateful that you all care so much. It truly warms my heart. Thank you!!

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