Saturday, August 29, 2020

Update on Cracker Jack

A few days ago I said Cracker Jack was having some issues with his foot. Then, he was fine the next day. Well, the day after that, it was worse. On top of that, it was pouring down rain. He refused to go in his shelter with the goats, so he stayed out in the rain all day long flipping his tail around because he was so miserable. It broke my heart. I started thinking it might have been his knee, so I went and got some topical pain relief stuff and put that on him. Nope, not it. He finally went in the shelter and relaxed enough to lay down. The next day he still wasn’t better. I called our ferrier. I know he was busy but I’m so appreciative to him for coming to the house not long after I called. I must have sounded distressed. He came and checked him out. He said it looked liked he was forming an abscess but it wasn’t sure where it was forming yet. He said if it wasn’t better by next week, he would come back and see if he could find it. I let Ronnie know, so we went by the feed store and got some antibiotics. If you have an abscess, there is infection. Poor donkey. He was so bad that he had started hopping on 3 legs. I just felt so bad for him. Ronnie and I went out today to give him the injection. We had to let the goats out of pen to get to him. They have taken on the role of protecting since Cracker Jack hasn’t been doing well. Ronnie grabbed him and I was holding him. Ronnie stuck that needle in and regardless of me holding him, Cracker Jack went forward. I ended up on the ground and so did Ronnie. We both set up laughing. At least Cracker Jack got his shot. And he is already walking much better. He has been so pitiful for days and I’m so grateful he is better. 

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