Thursday, August 20, 2020


 So, Ronnie and I have been watching a lot of marvel movies in the evening. I had never seen them, so we started watching them. We go to bed the other night and I’m reading a book. Oreo is in there talking. He is standing in the fireplace and all of a sudden he jumps straight up and doesn’t come back down. I thought of the marvel movies when he did this since he jumped so far. I thought the vent was closed but apparently it wasn’t. Oreo had jumped straight up into the fireplace and decided he would stay there. We tried getting him out with treats, the laser light. I even called Mya to try to get him down. Nope, not happening. He did not want to come out of there. Finally Ronnie found some sardines and opened the van and that cat jumped straight out of there like lightening. We had tried for a good 30 minutes to get him down. Good grief he is a mess, but look at that innocent face. It’s funny now and really it was funny then. Sometimes it feels like a circus around here. 

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