Wednesday, August 5, 2020


We have had the garden growing for a few months. I like having a garden. However, I hate to weed a garden. Things have been so busy lately that I have not taken the time to weed the garden and it was completely out of control. I mean way out of control. It was a little scary going out there because it was so bad. Now that you get that picture, I will stop with that. Anyway. I go out to the garden today with a friend of mine that is helping me get the yard in order. My husband has been helping also, but he just doesn’t have enough time to get everything done. I was out picking squash and banana peppers, etc. It felt spooky in there and I just wanted to get out of the garden. I stepped out of the garden and my friend started weed eating the garden. As he did, a copperhead made its appearance close to where I had been standing. The snake was dealt with and I told my friend to just mow that garden down. I was done with it. And that is what happened. Glad I wasn’t the only one there for sure!! Here is what the garden looks like now. 

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