Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Chicken man

Life has been a little trying lately. So much going on. Definitely can’t get bored like that. I was sitting here thinking about what all I have missed out on posting. There is a story that I have been meaning to share but haven’t because I couldn’t get a picture of it. I decided to just tell you the story and post a picture I got online so here it goes. I’ve been working in a town about an hour from home. I obviously live in the country so I drive to a city to work. Anyway, long story short. There is a man that lives a few blocks from where I work. I have never met him and don’t know his story. This man looks to be an older man and doesn’t look to be in the best of health. He is on oxygen because I noticed the tank as I was driving by. What caught my attention of this older man was his choice in pets. He has a rooster. Again, I don’t know his story but for the last year I have seen him sitting on the porch in the mornings with his rooster. Sometimes he is feeding him, other times the rooster is in his lap. The rooster is never left outside without the man. It’s obvious from watching them, even for a second that they have a bond. It warms my heart everyday when I see them on the porch together. 

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