Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Donkey problems

This donkey... Cracker Jack is truly something else. I went out to feed the animals and I threw them some extra hay. They all seemed fine. I fed the pigs and cleaned out water bowls and pools for them. I went over to do the same with water for the donkey and goats. I noticed Cracker Jack was limping a little bit. Didn’t look too serious. I look out the window a couple of hours later and Cracker Jack is down. He is just laying down in the hay. Of course I go out to check on him. I was panicking. These animals are so important to me. I don’t want them hurt or sick and if they are, I want it fixed. I went out and when he heard me coming, he got up. He got up fine. However, he was really struggling to walk. He would lay down and then get back up. He did walk toward me, so I grabbed the halter and tried to look at his foot. It was getting dark and he really hates me looking at his hooves. It looked okay. I went to get the tool to clean out some mud in the hoof and he wasn’t having it. I let him lay back down. I checked on him several times and was up super late checking on him. I called our ferrier and set up an appointment for today. I’m sure he didn’t like me calling so late but I was worried. When I went out this morning to check on him, he was up eating. He was still limping a lot. I had so much to do today, but I continued checking on him. He is an old man and he needed it. He got lots of attention today. I have been so busy with getting the house ready and all of that, I think I have neglected in giving all of the animals the attention they need. Even the pigs are irritated with me. Anyway. Later this afternoon, Cracker Jack is just fine. No more limping at all. I was so happy. I called the ferrier again and told him Cracker Jack was doing much better but I would call him back tomorrow to let him know if he was still doing better. I hope he is still doing fine. 

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