Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Clare’s Homecoming

 I meant to make this post days ago but there has been so much going on, I didn’t do it. Last Saturday we took Clare back to the only home she had known. She made it very clear she did not like it here. Poor girl. I felt so bad for her. When we got her home, she didn’t want to come out of the trailer.  She had a lead rope on, so the owner caught the lead rope and she relaxed some and got out of the trailer. She ran straight to her friends. I had not heard her moo much or really doing much of anything. When she got out there with her friends, they started playing and she was mooing. We made the right decision on Clare. She is one happy cow again. 

Saturday, April 24, 2021


 I never really did care for that word. I mean who likes to take the bitter with the sweet but we all do it. Today is a bittersweet day. As most of you know, we got a couple of cows a couple of weeks ago. Jasper and Clare. Jasper was a bottle baby and he was a broke cow. He is very sweet and loving. He wants attention, can be led with a halter, so on and so forth. Clare on the other hand, was not broke. Let me tell you a bit about Clare. The day these two were brought to the house, Clare had on a halter and lead rope. She broke out of that trailer and ran right into the field. For 3 days we attempted to get her into the pen with Jasper to gentle her. On day 3, she straight up jumped the fence. Well, Ronnie got to meet our neighbors finally since we needed to get her back. She was finally in a pen at the neighbor’s. The next day, Ronnie got kicked so many times and even head butted with one of her horns while getting her into the trailer. This poor cow does not want any part of being here. She was only with other cows. We have all kinds of animals out here: chickens, roosters, donkeys, a horse, dogs, cats, etc. Clare would start to get upset just by a chicken squawking. She is so scared. I feel so bad for her. She has been in the trailer for a week. Yes, she has adequate food, water, etc. The trailer is cleaned out daily and she is given new hay to either eat or lay down in. She mostly just used it to lay down in. Ronnie spends about 2 or 3 hours a day with her. I didn’t spend much time with her, but some. Poor girl just wasn’t getting used to being here even enough to get her out of the trailer without her trying to do harm to us and herself. The people we got her from called a couple of days ago and asked how things were going. Ronnie told him we were really trying to work with her and all. The guy asked if they could take her back. What?? That usually doesn’t happen. They are great people and love their animals. They really do. This wasn’t a rescue situation. We are taking Clare back home today. It is what’s best for her and for us, too. So, like I said, it’s a bittersweet day. 

Monday, April 19, 2021

Baby Chicks

 Several weeks ago, Ronnie brought home a bunch of baby chicks. There were 28 of them. He said he just bought all the store had. We made a spot for them in the shop where they have been the entire time. The last couple of weeks, these chicks have doubled, possibly even tripled in size. Ronnie and I agreed they needed to get out of the tub they were in and into something bigger. There is a chicken coop off the side of the barn. The chickens we already have are free range so we had not fixed it. We decided that would be a good spot for them, so we had a friend come to help us get the chicken coop ready. We were in for some work and we didn’t even know it. I had taken down the old chicken wire the day before so it was ready to put new up. Ronnie and Abe put up the new fencing. It looked like the chicks could still get through so they added more. We get the tub out of the shop and got it to the coop. We get them in there and they went nuts and still were able to get through the fencing. Go figure. Ronnie had some sheet metal, so Ronnie and Abe got the sheet metal inside the coop around the edges. Then lumber and some pallets outside the coop. I put straw down and food and water for them. I went inside for a minute and some of the sheet metal had fallen, one chick was stuck under it but was unharmed when I fixed it. I left them alone for the rest of the night. I went to check this morning and only counted 25. I thought they were just hiding under some of the others due to the colder weather last night. I got home this evening and I still only counted 25. Ronnie and I started looking and found the other 3 curled up, one right outside the fence and the other 2 behind the sheet metal still inside the fencing. I got them all out of their predicament and back in with their friends. They look so happy out of that tub and in a bigger area. They still need each other and stay all together. I’m so glad they are all okay. When they are bigger and can survive better, they will be free range like the others. For now they are safe and still together. 

Saturday, April 17, 2021

Spoiled Chickens

 Apparently we have some spoiled chickens around here. They have a routine and if we are a little late to throw out their food, well, they are at the shop waiting and not patiently. They are ready even if we are not. They will follow us until they have had their breakfast. Once their food is scattered for them, they are fine and they will continue their day as they normally do. Spoiled. I never thought I would say I have spoiled chickens, but I do. They are really funny animals. I had no idea until we got some. 

Friday, April 16, 2021

Gardening Begins

 Ronnie likes to garden. This place we bought already had a garden spot, so he tilled it up and we planted a bunch of stuff. The dirt here is different from back home. So is the climate. It’s been a little harder to garden here. We have already had to replant a few things because they had died. I think we may had started getting in a groove and it turns cold again. I have not been over to check things out. Luckily it rained some, so maybe the garden will be okay. It really is hard work. Hopefully something will grow this year. 


 I have figured out Jeb’s nipping at me. As nutty as this sounds, he is protecting Jasper, the mini Hereford that came to live here. Jeb only tries to nip at me when I am close to Jasper and his pen. He has taken on the responsibility to protect Jasper. Now, I will break Jeb of nipping at me, but I’m now understanding what he is doing. I don’t like it and will break him, but it’s sweet that he is so protective of Jasper. Now Jeb really hates Clare. Hate may be a strong word but he wants nothing to do with that cow. Absolutely nothing. It will be interesting to see how this plays out. 

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

What’s new??

 So, as you know, we have had Clare out in the pasture and have tried everything to get her back toward us with no luck. I asked some friends to come help. I am grateful to them for coming out. As they got ready and in position, it took about 5 minutes for Clare to say, not happening and she literally cleared the fence with no problem. She was then loose in our neighbor’s pasture. I’m laughing but I guess it’s not funny. Since we got that cow, she has been something else. I’m sure there is a lesson in there somewhere. I hope I see it soon. I feel it has something to do with sometimes not being able to break an animal’s spirit and will to be free. I always thought I would learn that from a horse, not a cow. Ronnie goes to the neighbor’s who apparently has a good cattle dog who was able to get Clare in an area where Ronnie was able to get her. She is still at the neighbor’s but in an area she cannot get out of and Ronnie will bring her home tomorrow. As this is going on, Earl gets in the backyard with the dogs somehow and the dogs chased him straight up into a tree. That took some negotiation but Earl came down, but only after I got the dogs in the house. Jeb decided he would be playful today and started nipping at me, I started walking away and he followed me, like he was trying to play. Maybe my fear of horses isn’t completely gone yet. He may need some more training or I do. It’s definitely been an evening around here. I’m worn smooth out. Looks like we have some work to do with the animals for sure. 

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Tonight at the Wayward Farm

 Clare is definitely making us work hard. We worked to catch her for 2 hours tonight. We tried cornering her, we tried feed, I tried using mooing sounds from my phone, Jasper was mooing at her. Nothing worked. She is certainly tired and so are we.  She is driving Jeb, Cracker Jack and Noma nuts making them run all over the place.  I know she hasn’t had anything but grass to eat and I’m hoping she is getting to the water at night. She ran into several fences tonight but she is fine. I definitely got my steps in today and yesterday, too. She seems pretty content in the field but until she gets bigger and used to us, she needs to be with Jasper. He is throwing a fit because she isn’t with him. She did end up over where he is tonight but she is back in the pasture. What is it with us and animals that just want to run. She is warming up to the donkeys and the horse now which is a good sign. She is also coming closer to where she needs to be, also a good sign. I just want her to be where she needs to be so she can be protected. Hopefully tomorrow will be the day. Stay tuned!! 

Monday, April 12, 2021

Update on Clare

 This girl is super fast. She is still in our pasture but coming closer. Not close enough, but closer. Jasper is still mooing at her. Put a halter and lead rope on him tonight and walked him around trying to get her to come to him, nope, she isn’t having it. She has a free spirit for sure. That heifer is happy where she is. She is hanging out with out neighbor’s Cows when they are around. She is coming closer to Noma, Cracker Jack and Jeb. They will lead her to water. I suspect she has already been there with the amount of water that was gone. She is living it up. I feel bad for Jasper who is calling her but he also was just weaned so he might be calling for a bottle. I’m really not sure. She is hanging out in the pasture. She is fearful of Ronnie and I. I get that but it still stresses me because Jasper needs his friend. Jeb has been hanging out with him so I know he is fine. Maybe tomorrow she will come back closer to Jasper. If she’s anything like Treat was, she may be sleeping next to the gate. Who knows? What I do know is she is fine hanging out in the pasture. But poor Jasper is sad. 

Sunday, April 11, 2021

The Wayward Farm

 I think we named this place the Wayward Farm for a reason. I swear it’s always nuts around here. The first animal to run off was Treat. She ran off 3 times, never really went anywhere (the last time was for 3 days) and has not tried to run away again in a long time. Then we have Hercules, Lucky, and Carlos; all goats that would get out of fencing. Then poor Brutus who was left in Arkansas when we moved to Texas but my good friends and family were able to keep an eye out for him knowing he would come back (and he did 3 days later) and then get him to Texas. I’m still so grateful for that. Then the dogs running away to try to explore all the time. The baby goats broke out day 2 of being here but they came back easily. Then the same baby goats broke out of the pen and into the shop. Waldo ran off for a bit but then got nervous of Noma and came right back.  Then we had Rona the cat that went missing, but found her way home after 3 days. Now we have Clare, the mini cow. I’m sure she won’t be gone 3 days and she is still on the property, but goodness. I think I might need a break from all the waywardness of the farm. They need to chill. But I love them all. 

Jasper and Clare

 So, today was the day Jasper and his half sister came to live here. They are both really young and Jasper will be fixed next month so no worries on that. They were being delivered by the owners. We have a nice spot for them and have worked hard on cleaning it out and getting things set up. Jasper since he is a pet was trained on a lead rope. Clare, not so much. I really felt bad for the owners because when she was being unloaded she just blew past him with no time to catch the lead rope that was on her. So, we have a mini cow that was running around scared and she wouldn’t stop. She was able to get to about 10 acres of our property that is completely fenced. She is completely terrified. Jasper has been mooing for her since he got here. He is in his own spot with food and water. Neither of them have been around other animals so since we have donkeys, a horse and multiple chickens running around, I’m not sure when she will come back over to where Jasper is. She is still around the same spot she was in when she finally stopped running. The horse and 2 donkeys are over there in the same pasture as her. I know she will come back to get feed and water eventually. She is fine though. She is figuring it out. I know she will be happy here once she will get over the fear of the other animals. I’m telling you, never a dull moment around here. 


 Last weekend my husband said there was a cow we needed to go look at. He was a mini cow that had lost his mom and these people had kept him as a pet. He is a loved cow and needed a home. He was bottle fed and a sweet cow. His name is Jasper. My husband knew when I saw him I would fall in love with him and he needed a home. I sure did fall in love with this sweet cow. I got to feed him a bottle and we made a connection. I don’t think the owner would have let me take him if we hadn’t. She kept him for this last week and weaned him off the bottle, got him vaccinated and wormed him. I have been so excited to get him home!! 

Saturday, April 10, 2021

Adventures of Jeb

 Let me tell you, Jeb got here late Thursday night. He was in a new place and it was dark. He was a little on the scared side. I don’t blame him. He was interested in seeing Cracker Jack and Noma. Well those two wanted nothing to do with him. He chased Cracker Jack for a while and then we decided he needed to be penned up for the night. We have a small pen close to the house so we put him in there, just for the night. We put some hay and water for him in there. The next morning, I let the dogs out and they spooked him. He jumped right over that fence and hit his foot on the fence. He limped for a minute and then was fine. So yesterday he was just hanging out in the same area where Noma and Cracker Jack are but they still wanted nothing to do with him. He tried so hard. I feel bad because he is lonely. He met the other donkeys across the fence. Well, they are going to get fixed next week, I hope. Today we have been getting ready for 2 more members of this big animal family to get here. Jeb has been hanging out with us. The shelter Noma and Cracker Jack have will be used for the 2 animals coming, but Cracker and Noma will have some room also, but not Jeb. We started working on a new shelter and then decided to try to put Jeb with the 4 other donkeys and 3 goats. I led him over there and then chaos hit. Pedro was trying to get on top of Jeb and had a hunk of Jeb’s flesh in his mouth. Here comes the other 3. Let’s just say I got Jeb out of there immediately. Poor guy was too scared to move. I feel horrible for him. He just wants a friend. I hated to witness that scene but I have learned my lesson so here we got building him a spot on his own. I am going to have a big barn put out here for him, but that might take a bit so he will have something for now to get out of the rain and the sun. Poor guy. It’s definitely been an experience for me and for him. 

Welcome Jeb

 It’s been a wild couple days around here. So, with all of these farm animals and all the things these guys need, vet included at times, we needed to find a trailer to haul them back and forth to the vet. We have been doing this for 2 years, but now with so many big animals, we needed to get a trailer. I could see me trying to get a donkey in my vehicle but it’s not big enough for that and my husband might get mad about that. So, I have been looking for one and I found one that would work. I contacted the guy selling it and then him and my husband made arrangements for the trailer to be looking at. I get a call from my husband that evening that I did not expect at all. I’m always the one calling him saying, ummm... do you care if I bring this animal home. He doesn’t say no since he is usually aware that animal is loaded in my vehicle already. The one time he said no, well... that’s what started this farm life. Anyway. He called and said do you care if I bring home a horse. I was shocked. When we went to visit our grandson a couple of weeks ago, I had said we needed to get him a horse when he gets older, well it happened a little sooner than planned. I knew if he was calling about this horse, it needed to be brought here. Now, just so you know, I wouldn’t have said no either way. He called for a couple of reasons, I have a small fear of horses but have been working to get over that. The second reason is we had planned to build another barn before getting a horse. I didn’t say no. He said, I can’t leave him here. So, I waited for him to come home. I was expecting this horse to be in really bad shape but he wasn’t. His hooves need trimmed, he needs some grooming and is a little malnourished but overall he is healthy. He will be going to the vet next week. He is a really young colt. He has a great disposition and is really a loveable horse. So, meet Jeb. 

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Missing Rona

 This has been a rough week, or at least the last few days. Rona, one of the shop cats has been missing. The last time we had seen her was Saturday night. I know I said she was a shop cat, Mose people do not get attached to barn cats, but I am attached to them. They were my daughter’s cats and they are special. I was really having a hard time accepting she wasn’t coming back. Ronnie has been gone all day and so while I was out feeding tonight, I just kept hollering her name. If my neighbors heard me, they would think I was nuts. I have really been devastated. She is one of the sweetest cats I have ever been around and poor Earl was really missing her. He wouldn’t leave the area at all. It was depressing to see how sad he was. I was even going to try to put Oreo out there so Earl would have a friend. I put it off thinking maybe, just maybe she would be back. I was starting to give up, not sure why since it’s usually 3 days when one of my animals goes missing. I guess that’s when they get hungry. I had been spending more time with Earl outside since he was so lonely. I have been praying Rona would come home daily. I kept thinking, she will come back, but I was starting to think she wouldn’t. I went out tonight to check on Earl one last time and there sat Rona. She does not have a scratch on her. She was hungry and thirsty but other than that, she looks fine. I am so happy she came home. I called Ronnie who was really glad she was home also. Hopefully she will stay closer to the house. There is not telling where she has been. It’s been 3 full days. Oh these animals can drive me crazy but I sure do love them. 

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Runaway chickens

 George and Susie Q looked like they were running away. This has been going on for weeks. Those two run away everyday. I have no idea where they are going or why. Every time I see it, I just hope they come back. A few hours later, they are usually back. Sometimes I just sit and watch them to see if I can tell where they are going. They look cute running off but it makes me nervous also. I know there are wild animals out here. I wonder if they have babies somewhere or something. Those two are really funny. 

Baby Chicks

 I have baby chicks!! We got 30 baby chicks here. No, we don’t eat them and when they get bigger, they will most likely be free range like the other chickens. They have a lot of property to roam if they choose to do that. I was excited to see the baby chicks. They were so small when we got them. I am just excited to have them. I’ve never had baby chicks before. People have said that most likely some of them would die which makes me really sad but so far so good. When we got them was about 4 weeks ago. They are in the shop and protected from the barn cats. 

Getting Fixed

 Well, today might not have gone like it should have. So, a little back story. When we got the goats, they were not fixed. We had no plans to breed but we had not gotten them fixed. When we were in Arkansas, they were in rut. It’s an awful time and they were so annoying. When we got to Texas, it was starting rutting season here, I guess because of weather difference. Anyhow, they were still in rut. We still had no plans to breed of course. Hercules has started challenging my husband, like standing on his back legs trying to head butt him. It was not going well. I knew something had to be done. We finally got Hercules fixed. Waldo also got fixed. Lucky was supposed to but he was so skittish, he would not get in the trailer. Lucky isn’t too terrible and we will get it done. I was afraid it was risky anyway with him having been so sick not long ago. I’m so glad we finally got all of that done. I don’t know why we put it off so long. 

The Donkey Cross

 Today is Easter. It got me to thinking about why we celebrate Easter. It is because Jesus rose from the dead three days after being crucified on the cross. I remember a conversation I had with my mom after we got Cracker Jack. He has a cross on his back. We have 6 donkeys here, so this morning I went out and took pics of all of our donkey’s backs to see if they all have a cross. I saw 5 out of 6 had the cross. I did a little more research and on the internet it did say that all donkeys have that cross on their backs. I didn’t find one on Ned but he may be too dark to see it. I thought it was interesting today I would think about that. I hope everyone had a good Easter and remembered why we were celebrating. He is risen!!