Saturday, April 10, 2021

Welcome Jeb

 It’s been a wild couple days around here. So, with all of these farm animals and all the things these guys need, vet included at times, we needed to find a trailer to haul them back and forth to the vet. We have been doing this for 2 years, but now with so many big animals, we needed to get a trailer. I could see me trying to get a donkey in my vehicle but it’s not big enough for that and my husband might get mad about that. So, I have been looking for one and I found one that would work. I contacted the guy selling it and then him and my husband made arrangements for the trailer to be looking at. I get a call from my husband that evening that I did not expect at all. I’m always the one calling him saying, ummm... do you care if I bring this animal home. He doesn’t say no since he is usually aware that animal is loaded in my vehicle already. The one time he said no, well... that’s what started this farm life. Anyway. He called and said do you care if I bring home a horse. I was shocked. When we went to visit our grandson a couple of weeks ago, I had said we needed to get him a horse when he gets older, well it happened a little sooner than planned. I knew if he was calling about this horse, it needed to be brought here. Now, just so you know, I wouldn’t have said no either way. He called for a couple of reasons, I have a small fear of horses but have been working to get over that. The second reason is we had planned to build another barn before getting a horse. I didn’t say no. He said, I can’t leave him here. So, I waited for him to come home. I was expecting this horse to be in really bad shape but he wasn’t. His hooves need trimmed, he needs some grooming and is a little malnourished but overall he is healthy. He will be going to the vet next week. He is a really young colt. He has a great disposition and is really a loveable horse. So, meet Jeb. 

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