Sunday, April 4, 2021

Let’s Talk Lucky

 Just wanted to give an update on Lucky. If you have been following Lucky’s story, you know he has been through so much. He was sick and then couldn’t walk. We got him back to being healthy and put him back with Hercules and Lucky. He is one happy goat. He is running around the pasture like there was never anything wrong with him. I prayed for that goat and he is doing so well now. I’m so glad. After losing Romeo, I was so scared I would lose him also soon after. I am grateful for friends who have helped me know what to do to help him get healthy. I am so glad he was well enough to get back to his friends and is happy again. He didn’t give up so we didn’t either. Animals are truly amazing. And all of this went down during a terrible winter storm. I really do not have the words to tell you what an awful time that was. It’s worth it to see him thriving again. 

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