Sunday, April 11, 2021

The Wayward Farm

 I think we named this place the Wayward Farm for a reason. I swear it’s always nuts around here. The first animal to run off was Treat. She ran off 3 times, never really went anywhere (the last time was for 3 days) and has not tried to run away again in a long time. Then we have Hercules, Lucky, and Carlos; all goats that would get out of fencing. Then poor Brutus who was left in Arkansas when we moved to Texas but my good friends and family were able to keep an eye out for him knowing he would come back (and he did 3 days later) and then get him to Texas. I’m still so grateful for that. Then the dogs running away to try to explore all the time. The baby goats broke out day 2 of being here but they came back easily. Then the same baby goats broke out of the pen and into the shop. Waldo ran off for a bit but then got nervous of Noma and came right back.  Then we had Rona the cat that went missing, but found her way home after 3 days. Now we have Clare, the mini cow. I’m sure she won’t be gone 3 days and she is still on the property, but goodness. I think I might need a break from all the waywardness of the farm. They need to chill. But I love them all. 

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