Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Missing Rona

 This has been a rough week, or at least the last few days. Rona, one of the shop cats has been missing. The last time we had seen her was Saturday night. I know I said she was a shop cat, Mose people do not get attached to barn cats, but I am attached to them. They were my daughter’s cats and they are special. I was really having a hard time accepting she wasn’t coming back. Ronnie has been gone all day and so while I was out feeding tonight, I just kept hollering her name. If my neighbors heard me, they would think I was nuts. I have really been devastated. She is one of the sweetest cats I have ever been around and poor Earl was really missing her. He wouldn’t leave the area at all. It was depressing to see how sad he was. I was even going to try to put Oreo out there so Earl would have a friend. I put it off thinking maybe, just maybe she would be back. I was starting to give up, not sure why since it’s usually 3 days when one of my animals goes missing. I guess that’s when they get hungry. I had been spending more time with Earl outside since he was so lonely. I have been praying Rona would come home daily. I kept thinking, she will come back, but I was starting to think she wouldn’t. I went out tonight to check on Earl one last time and there sat Rona. She does not have a scratch on her. She was hungry and thirsty but other than that, she looks fine. I am so happy she came home. I called Ronnie who was really glad she was home also. Hopefully she will stay closer to the house. There is not telling where she has been. It’s been 3 full days. Oh these animals can drive me crazy but I sure do love them. 

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