Wednesday, April 14, 2021

What’s new??

 So, as you know, we have had Clare out in the pasture and have tried everything to get her back toward us with no luck. I asked some friends to come help. I am grateful to them for coming out. As they got ready and in position, it took about 5 minutes for Clare to say, not happening and she literally cleared the fence with no problem. She was then loose in our neighbor’s pasture. I’m laughing but I guess it’s not funny. Since we got that cow, she has been something else. I’m sure there is a lesson in there somewhere. I hope I see it soon. I feel it has something to do with sometimes not being able to break an animal’s spirit and will to be free. I always thought I would learn that from a horse, not a cow. Ronnie goes to the neighbor’s who apparently has a good cattle dog who was able to get Clare in an area where Ronnie was able to get her. She is still at the neighbor’s but in an area she cannot get out of and Ronnie will bring her home tomorrow. As this is going on, Earl gets in the backyard with the dogs somehow and the dogs chased him straight up into a tree. That took some negotiation but Earl came down, but only after I got the dogs in the house. Jeb decided he would be playful today and started nipping at me, I started walking away and he followed me, like he was trying to play. Maybe my fear of horses isn’t completely gone yet. He may need some more training or I do. It’s definitely been an evening around here. I’m worn smooth out. Looks like we have some work to do with the animals for sure. 

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