Saturday, April 10, 2021

Adventures of Jeb

 Let me tell you, Jeb got here late Thursday night. He was in a new place and it was dark. He was a little on the scared side. I don’t blame him. He was interested in seeing Cracker Jack and Noma. Well those two wanted nothing to do with him. He chased Cracker Jack for a while and then we decided he needed to be penned up for the night. We have a small pen close to the house so we put him in there, just for the night. We put some hay and water for him in there. The next morning, I let the dogs out and they spooked him. He jumped right over that fence and hit his foot on the fence. He limped for a minute and then was fine. So yesterday he was just hanging out in the same area where Noma and Cracker Jack are but they still wanted nothing to do with him. He tried so hard. I feel bad because he is lonely. He met the other donkeys across the fence. Well, they are going to get fixed next week, I hope. Today we have been getting ready for 2 more members of this big animal family to get here. Jeb has been hanging out with us. The shelter Noma and Cracker Jack have will be used for the 2 animals coming, but Cracker and Noma will have some room also, but not Jeb. We started working on a new shelter and then decided to try to put Jeb with the 4 other donkeys and 3 goats. I led him over there and then chaos hit. Pedro was trying to get on top of Jeb and had a hunk of Jeb’s flesh in his mouth. Here comes the other 3. Let’s just say I got Jeb out of there immediately. Poor guy was too scared to move. I feel horrible for him. He just wants a friend. I hated to witness that scene but I have learned my lesson so here we got building him a spot on his own. I am going to have a big barn put out here for him, but that might take a bit so he will have something for now to get out of the rain and the sun. Poor guy. It’s definitely been an experience for me and for him. 

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