Monday, April 12, 2021

Update on Clare

 This girl is super fast. She is still in our pasture but coming closer. Not close enough, but closer. Jasper is still mooing at her. Put a halter and lead rope on him tonight and walked him around trying to get her to come to him, nope, she isn’t having it. She has a free spirit for sure. That heifer is happy where she is. She is hanging out with out neighbor’s Cows when they are around. She is coming closer to Noma, Cracker Jack and Jeb. They will lead her to water. I suspect she has already been there with the amount of water that was gone. She is living it up. I feel bad for Jasper who is calling her but he also was just weaned so he might be calling for a bottle. I’m really not sure. She is hanging out in the pasture. She is fearful of Ronnie and I. I get that but it still stresses me because Jasper needs his friend. Jeb has been hanging out with him so I know he is fine. Maybe tomorrow she will come back closer to Jasper. If she’s anything like Treat was, she may be sleeping next to the gate. Who knows? What I do know is she is fine hanging out in the pasture. But poor Jasper is sad. 

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