Sunday, April 4, 2021

The babies aka The boys

 It’s been a rough day. I came home to see the baby goats had broken into the shop. It really made me laugh, which I needed it extremely bad. It didn’t help that my husband wasn’t home yet and when he did get home both of us trying to get them back to where they needed to go was quite a sight I am sure. The babies still are not too friendly but we are still working with them. They are the cutest things and I am grateful they are here. Apparently some of the wood had come off of the shop and the goats were able to get in that way. Ronnie has really been the one to sit with them more than me so they followed him back to the pen, well Porkey and Buckwheat did. Waldo was a whole other thing. Waldo has a mind of his own for sure. He was not going back in the pen. He wandered around eating fresh grass for a few minutes. However, Noma has become very territorial and she did not like that Waldo was so close to her. She kicked at him, did not get him. After that, he came back to the pen. These goats are funny little things. I’m hoping they get a little bigger and then they can get out of their small pen. They are protected in there since they are small. There is never a dull moment around here. 

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