Sunday, April 4, 2021


 These animals here are important to me. Because they are important to me, I want to give them the best life possible. I know I fail at times but I do try really hard. One thing I am adamant about is everyone having a shelter. Ronnie laughs at me about it because a lot of animals won’t use one. The funny thing here is all of these guys use one. When we moved Cracker Jack and Noma, I was worried because they didn’t have shelter. That turned out to not be true. We have a carport that has stalls built in it that used to have goats in it with the previous owners. Not sure why I didn’t think about it since that’s where Lucky was when he was so sick. I cleaned it out some and was able to make enough room in there for both of the donkeys. The chickens have made that their home and now the donkeys sleep in there also. I know they get in there when the weather is bad. These guys are smarter than me sometimes. I removed some of the fencing so the animals wouldn’t get hurt on anything. The donkeys and goats in the big pasture use the barn. The little goats and the pigs have their own shelter as well. As we get more animals, more shelters will be built as well. 

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