Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Tonight at the Wayward Farm

 Clare is definitely making us work hard. We worked to catch her for 2 hours tonight. We tried cornering her, we tried feed, I tried using mooing sounds from my phone, Jasper was mooing at her. Nothing worked. She is certainly tired and so are we.  She is driving Jeb, Cracker Jack and Noma nuts making them run all over the place.  I know she hasn’t had anything but grass to eat and I’m hoping she is getting to the water at night. She ran into several fences tonight but she is fine. I definitely got my steps in today and yesterday, too. She seems pretty content in the field but until she gets bigger and used to us, she needs to be with Jasper. He is throwing a fit because she isn’t with him. She did end up over where he is tonight but she is back in the pasture. What is it with us and animals that just want to run. She is warming up to the donkeys and the horse now which is a good sign. She is also coming closer to where she needs to be, also a good sign. I just want her to be where she needs to be so she can be protected. Hopefully tomorrow will be the day. Stay tuned!! 

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