Sunday, April 4, 2021

Getting Fixed

 Well, today might not have gone like it should have. So, a little back story. When we got the goats, they were not fixed. We had no plans to breed but we had not gotten them fixed. When we were in Arkansas, they were in rut. It’s an awful time and they were so annoying. When we got to Texas, it was starting rutting season here, I guess because of weather difference. Anyhow, they were still in rut. We still had no plans to breed of course. Hercules has started challenging my husband, like standing on his back legs trying to head butt him. It was not going well. I knew something had to be done. We finally got Hercules fixed. Waldo also got fixed. Lucky was supposed to but he was so skittish, he would not get in the trailer. Lucky isn’t too terrible and we will get it done. I was afraid it was risky anyway with him having been so sick not long ago. I’m so glad we finally got all of that done. I don’t know why we put it off so long. 

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