Monday, April 19, 2021

Baby Chicks

 Several weeks ago, Ronnie brought home a bunch of baby chicks. There were 28 of them. He said he just bought all the store had. We made a spot for them in the shop where they have been the entire time. The last couple of weeks, these chicks have doubled, possibly even tripled in size. Ronnie and I agreed they needed to get out of the tub they were in and into something bigger. There is a chicken coop off the side of the barn. The chickens we already have are free range so we had not fixed it. We decided that would be a good spot for them, so we had a friend come to help us get the chicken coop ready. We were in for some work and we didn’t even know it. I had taken down the old chicken wire the day before so it was ready to put new up. Ronnie and Abe put up the new fencing. It looked like the chicks could still get through so they added more. We get the tub out of the shop and got it to the coop. We get them in there and they went nuts and still were able to get through the fencing. Go figure. Ronnie had some sheet metal, so Ronnie and Abe got the sheet metal inside the coop around the edges. Then lumber and some pallets outside the coop. I put straw down and food and water for them. I went inside for a minute and some of the sheet metal had fallen, one chick was stuck under it but was unharmed when I fixed it. I left them alone for the rest of the night. I went to check this morning and only counted 25. I thought they were just hiding under some of the others due to the colder weather last night. I got home this evening and I still only counted 25. Ronnie and I started looking and found the other 3 curled up, one right outside the fence and the other 2 behind the sheet metal still inside the fencing. I got them all out of their predicament and back in with their friends. They look so happy out of that tub and in a bigger area. They still need each other and stay all together. I’m so glad they are all okay. When they are bigger and can survive better, they will be free range like the others. For now they are safe and still together. 

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