Sunday, April 11, 2021

Jasper and Clare

 So, today was the day Jasper and his half sister came to live here. They are both really young and Jasper will be fixed next month so no worries on that. They were being delivered by the owners. We have a nice spot for them and have worked hard on cleaning it out and getting things set up. Jasper since he is a pet was trained on a lead rope. Clare, not so much. I really felt bad for the owners because when she was being unloaded she just blew past him with no time to catch the lead rope that was on her. So, we have a mini cow that was running around scared and she wouldn’t stop. She was able to get to about 10 acres of our property that is completely fenced. She is completely terrified. Jasper has been mooing for her since he got here. He is in his own spot with food and water. Neither of them have been around other animals so since we have donkeys, a horse and multiple chickens running around, I’m not sure when she will come back over to where Jasper is. She is still around the same spot she was in when she finally stopped running. The horse and 2 donkeys are over there in the same pasture as her. I know she will come back to get feed and water eventually. She is fine though. She is figuring it out. I know she will be happy here once she will get over the fear of the other animals. I’m telling you, never a dull moment around here. 

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