Saturday, June 27, 2020

I have a 10 year old and overweight cat. He has been that way since he was neutered as a kitten. When we got started here on the farm, he started urinating in unusual places. I thought he might have a UTI. I was worried and bought some natural spray you spray in the mouth. It was a safe method. Well, I only had to use it a few days and he stopped doing it. It’s started up again and I started to use the spray again. I just caught him. I mean I have cleaned and cleaned because that is the worst smell ever. I cannot stand that this is happening again. I don’t know if it’s the new cat. Oreo has been here for months and this just started. I’m so frustrated and will be taking him to the vet. I feel bad for being so mad at him especially if he really is sick. I hope it’s nothing too serious also. I just hate that animals can’t tell us when they are sick so we know what to do. I do keep the litter box clean and I have already done that today so I know it’s not that.

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