Friday, June 5, 2020

Something wonderful happened today. As you all know I have 9 pot belly pigs. All of them are at least a year old. Most of them I got really young and didn’t have a clue as to what I was doing. To be honest, some days I still don’t feel like I know what I’m doing. I go out to do my last check of the night on all of the animals. I get to the big pig pen and they won’t even get out of their shelter. They are comfortable and not messing with me. There are 3 in that pen. I got over to the other one with 6 pigs in it and they all come to the fence and demanded to get petted. It was so bad, 4 of the 6 roll over for belly rubs and I’m no where near them. Of course I went in and gave them belly rubs. They are so spoiled. It’s an adventure every day.

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