Sunday, June 14, 2020

This morning I go out to feed the pigs and Russ and Darla have been doing this thing where when I unlatch the gate they start to come out of their pen. Normally I just stand in front of them and they go back in because I have food. Not this morning. Darla just walks right past me. And she was not going to come back. She didn’t go far, just back and forth in front of the pens. But she would not go to the door of the pen. I ran inside and woke Mya up (I apologized later). I needed help to get Darla. I know what it is like to chase a pig in the woods for days and I did not want her to get to the woods. Feed didn’t work, hay didn’t work, and grapes didn’t work. We tried to catch her. She wasn’t having it. Finally, we coax her to the feed barn. She jumped in there for some food. We shut her in. Of course Mya and I were in there, too. I was trying to get her to calm down. She ate some food and I was petting on her. Tried to get her in a carrier, nope, too smart for that. Finally, we decided to just pick her up and run with her. She is about 80 pounds so it was going to be fun. Mya decided she would do it. You know, pigs hate to be picked up. They fight you and scream the entire time. Mya picks her up and it’s immediate, she starts screaming and fighting. I’m running to the pen to unlatch it. Mya starts screaming that she is dropping her, so I run back to help prop Darla up more. This happens a second time. Darla screaming the entire time. We finally get her to the pen and get her in there. Poor girl. I know that had to be traumatic for her. She was upset so I gave her some grapes for a treat. She was so mad, she almost didn’t take them. Almost. A few minutes later, my phone rings. It’s Ronnie. He asks if everything is okay. I said yes. I had already sent him pictures of Darla out of the pen. He said well, I just got a phone call from our neighbor saying it sounded like something was dying at our house. Of course I had to laugh. He did tell the neighbor that if he heard that noise that we must have gotten the pig back in the pen. Oh what a day. I have some bruises from the day. Glad she is back. And she isn’t mad anymore.

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