Tuesday, June 9, 2020

My poor Maggie is getting up there in years. She is now 10 years old. She has had some health problems in the last couple of years. I’m pretty sure she has some hearing loss now as well. She loves to run with the younger dogs. Only problem is she gets left behind by them and it takes her so long to get back home. This morning was one of those times. Only she wasn’t running with the other dogs, but she did go into the woods by herself. When I went inside to get ready to go to work after feeding the other animals, Maggie wasn’t back. I left Daisy out and told her to go find Maggie. Sure as the world, a few minutes later, here comes Daisy... with Maggie. I was so shocked. I shouldn’t be because Daisy is good like that. I guess I’m really amazed at how smart animals are. That Daisy is a one in a million dogs. She is fabulous.

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