Monday, June 1, 2020

You guys, these pigs are so smart. As I have said earlier, I have been spending a lot of time with Darla to make sure she is comfortable and getting used to being in a new place. I want to make sure every animal here is living their best life. If not, what’s the point in having them. I was giving Darla belly rubs earlier and here comes Bacon Bit. I gave her a little scratching on her head and she walked away kind of pouting. I didn’t think much of it and continued with chores. I came back and she was laying in one of the shelters. Usually she is still running around at this time of the night. I go into the pen and she doesn’t get up. I start to worry a little. I went into the shelter and sat down and she didn’t move. I mean she grunted and was looking at me. So I get really close to her and she leans over and gives me a piggy kiss. I then start rubbing on her to really check her body temp. She rolls over for a belly rub. She seems fine. I talk to her a bit and give her some attention. She talks back in her pig language like she is answering my questions. I get up and so does she. She then walks out of the shelter right after me and starts interacting with the other pigs. It was almost like she just needed my attention and then she was fine. She is a smart one for sure.

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