Sunday, June 7, 2020

Yesterday was a very hot day here in the south. Heat index was around 103 degrees. Of course I was concerned about the farm animals. I left the dogs inside most of the afternoon so they would be okay. When I got up yesterday morning it was already hot with high humidity. I got out and fed everyone and then started cleaning out water bowls and pools for the day. I got the big pen pool finished and Spam and Gus fought over the pool and ended up getting in there together. The smaller pigs couldn’t wait until the pool was full and got in before it was full. Treat enjoyed the mud holes. They all enjoyed the sun and when it got too hot they all got in the shelters. The goats and donkey stayed in the shade. I went out and sprayed the pigs with water a couple of times to cool them off. They appreciated that. I did the same thing this morning. And the dogs are inside. Hope everyone stays safe in the heat. If you have pigs, they don’t sweat, so take measures to keep them cool.

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