Monday, June 22, 2020

I have to tell you, with the weather getting so hot during the day now here in Arkansas, I am grateful for where the pig pens sit. Back before we bought this place, behind the house was a dog kennel set up for breeding. I’m not a fan of that. I rescue dogs instead of paying big bucks for a dog coming from a breeder. For me, there are too many dogs out there that don’t have homes already. It’s just sad. Anyway. I used to hate going that far from the house because I wasn’t sure what would be down there. It was over grown and looked a little scary. We cleaned them all out once we got our first 2 pigs. It was most definitely in the best spot on the property. There is so much shad there for the pigs. It’s perfect. Of course whatever was growing there has been rooted up but they still get grass to eat and all of that. When I walked down there now, it’s like it’s 10 degrees cooler because of all of the shade. It really helps keep the pigs cool. Of course they get fresh water to drink daily and they get fresh water in their pools also daily to keep them cool. I used to hate it there because it just reminded me of sadness, but now it’s one of my favorite places on the property.

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