Monday, June 8, 2020

So, the farrier came out today to work on Cracker Jack’s feet. Cracker Jack really hates it. I was smart this time and scheduled it when Ronnie was home. I’m so grateful for that. The ferried is really good but I have difficulty holding Cracker Jack by myself. Ronnie was able to catch him and tie him up so when the farrier got there Cracker Jack was ready. More like super mad when Marshall showed up. I mean mad. The poor farrier was able to do all 4 feet this time. I have to tell you though, Cracker Jack is the protector of the goats but today those goats were worried and upset for Cracker Jack. Carlos kept going over to check on him. I couldn’t even bribe him with treats. After Cracker Jack was finished they all got some hay and peanuts and all is well.

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