Tuesday, November 12, 2019

All the animals made it through the night. I knew they would since they have those shelters. Not sure they would without the shelters. Poor little things might freeze. I got up a little earlier today since I knew it was going to be so cold, I figured the water bowls would freeze. And that they did. I knew I couldn’t go to work with all their water frozen. I don’t think they drank much of it though, it’s so cold. I was able to bust through the ice so they would have that water today. Came home from work and fed the animals. That’s the only way they will come out of the shelter. They get finished and go right back in. I still don’t blame them. I didn’t want to stay out either. I did get to pet all 7 pigs tonight as they ate. But that was it. Even the donkey and goats didn’t want to be bothered. They just wanted back in the warmest corner they could find. Hopefully tomorrow is warmer.

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