Thursday, November 21, 2019

If it’s not one thing, it’s another. Maggie has been sick and on antibiotics for almost a week. Her wound is better but it’s messing with her kidneys and bladder. She is literally urinating on herself and acts like she doesn’t know she has done it and lays in it. I know she is miserable and I just don’t know what to do for her. Romeo has had a bad case of worms and is literally using the bathroom all over himself also. I have wormed him and he is doing a little better but still not great. Now, Bubba, one of my cats has a bladder infection and is urinating in the floor also. I am treating him now, too. Good grief. What is happening around here. I have been getting home late this week, so I haven’t spent much time with the animals but it’s been crazy around here. Pray these guys feel better and I don’t lose my mind.

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