Friday, November 22, 2019

I still have nothing good or funny to report. The cat is better, gave him some spray in his mouth for UTI. It’s a natural supplement and it works well. He hasn’t had anymore problems today. Maggie is still having issues, but I know it’s the steroids she is on along with the antibiotic. Romeo is a different subject all together. He is not doing well at all. I do know it’s worms and I have been treating him. Ronnie has been home the last few days and has been helping me. However, he is still not doing well. He is usually a really friendly and loving goat, but not today. I know he doesn’t feel well and I was trying to clean him up due to fecal matter all over him... he was not having it. He is not doing well. Looks like he needs more than wormer so I’m working on that. I don’t want to lose him. He is eating and drinking but you can tell he is not doing well. Prayer he is going to get better. I’m a little worried about him. Well, more than a little.

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