Monday, November 11, 2019

All of you reading this know how much I care for every one of these animals here on this small hobby farm we have. I put a lot of time and effort into caring for them. Tonight the low is 20 degrees and it has dropped from 55 degrees this morning. It is so cold. And it normally doesn’t get this cold around here. Either that or I just choose not to remember the cold temps. That could be possible. I’m not a cold weather person. Regardless, this isn’t about me. So, Ronnie did get the rest of the shed finished for the donkey and goats. Not a minute too soon. I’m sure they are still a little cold because there isn’t a front on it, but it does have walls on both sides now and is deep enough for them to get in there and get to the back wall to stay warmer. I’m so grateful and I’m sure they are also. I was able to put more straw down yesterday as well. I got home tonight and the pigs didn’t want to come out of their shelters. I can’t say I blame them. They did come out to eat. I was able to get more straw in their shelters tonight also to keep them warm. I really want to go out and just cuddle them in their shelters. I know that would sound nutty to some people but not to me. I hate the thought of them being cold. I know they are all cuddled together in the straw and out of the elements of the weather but I absolutely hate it. I worry about them being cold. I know they will be fine but those are my thoughts today.

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