Thursday, November 14, 2019

Ok, I’ve lost my mind. I think I have posted on this before but it has happened again. It’s cold out and so all the little critters are trying to come in. My cats have been chasing a mouse for a few days. I finally saw them chasing it tonight. This thing is a baby... hopefully I don’t have a ton more in the house. I have only seen this one so far in awhile. As they were chasing that tiny mouse, I intervened. I caught the mouse. This thing was breathing so hard and so scared. Not sure why I felt so bad for it but it is a living breathing thing. I used to have a rat as a pet and I loved that crazy rat til he finally was paralyzed by old age and I had to have him put to sleep. Anyway. I rescued the mouse and then put it outside. I just don’t have it in me to kill it and my cats are obviously useless with that also. I know, I’m a mess. I washed my hands throughly after I put the mouse outside in the cold.

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