Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Maggie is doing better. I think Romeo is doing better. Neither of them are a hundred percent yet but they are better. They are making me tired. Lol!! They are worth it though. The other guys I have are all good right now. I do worry about the pigs a bit since the weather has been so cold and now it’s back in the 70s. I’m hoping and praying they do not get pneumonia. Now, I keep putting straw in all three pens, so my question is... where does the straw go?? What do they do with it. So weird. About time to get some more before the weather gets really cold again. All of these animals are loving the sunshine the last few days. I tell you, these guys keep me on my toes but in a good way. I didn’t know I would love having these animals as much as I do.

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