Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Update on Maggie. This poor girl is miserable but is eating and drinking. She is warm to the touch and still uncomfortable. I was able to use more antiseptic spray and she is taking her antibiotics well. She let me exam her wound and it is from her chewing on matted hair after getting a bath. I am going to start cutting it away as soon as she lets me. She was better about it tonight. She was laying in my lap so I could look and feel the area. She is still feeling terrible but she is better than yesterday. I’m still concerned and if she isn’t better, I will be taking her to the vet. This poor girl. I feel so bad for her. And pepper, one of my other dogs is really concerned and won’t leave her side. They have been together since they were just a few months old. They are 9 years old now and still inseparable. I’m hoping Maggie continues to improve.

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