Sunday, November 17, 2019

So, crazy story in my somewhat crazy life. I had rescued a pig for a friend of mine and took him to her. She messaged me on Friday while I was at the vet giving me a number about a pot belly pig needing a new home. I text the guy about the pig and he has already been to my house since he is a neighbor of mine. ( If that doesn’t show you how small the world is. I actually don’t know him personally but when he told me where he lived, I knew exactly where it was.) We talked a bit. The pig was not his but someone had shown up at his work looking for him because he has farm pigs. Long story a little shorter, the guy was the ex boyfriend of the lady with the pig. All the guy I talked to knew was that the lady couldn’t care for the pig anymore, she was a pretty big pig and she was a year old. That’s all the info I got. Not much to work with. So, I got her number. I did want to help. I contacted the lady the next day. She broke my heart. The conversation started with not being able to care for her. As we continued, she said she just didn’t have time. I understand that. So, I told her a bit about our farm and me working full time, going to school and managing the animals. As we talked longer, she said, I would be able to keep her if she would stop getting out of her spot. Bingo!! I then told her about pigs being social animals and how they bond closely with their owner’s and how they get so depressed without them when they go to a new home. No, I wasn’t trying to make her feel bad, I was trying to help educate. We talked a bit longer and I told her I would come help her and show her what needed to be done to help keep her in. No, I’m not an expert but with the pig population the way it is, I felt like it would be better to help her keep her pig. So, we scheduled for today but something came up and she couldn’t meet. No big deal. And, by the time I talked to her today, she had figured it all out and was putting things into action. I am going to meet up with her next week!! I’m excited and so happy for her. She was so heartbroken about her pig and now she can keep her!!

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