Monday, November 25, 2019

I got a call from a friend of mine the other day. She was telling me about a goat that needed a new home. He has been attacked by a bobcat and his buddy had been killed by the bobcat. He needed a new home because he was lonely and they were afraid he was going to be attacked again by the same bobcat. I talked to my husband and he said well sure, we have plenty of room in that pen and it’s not another pig. Lol!! He was kidding. Anyway. I let them know I would take the goat. I knew he was injured and missing an ear. Poor thing. So, the owner’s son brought the goat to me tonight. It was very obvious to me that they loved this goat. They treated him like family and they hated to have rehome him. He brought him in the pen with the other goats and stayed for a bit to make sure he was ok. When he knew he was going to be okay, he left. I was talking with his mom the whole time letting her know it was going to be okay. After the owner left, the goat, Carlos, really had a hard time. He cried for a long time and was looking for his owner. It was obvious they loved each other. That’s the hardest part of this for me. They rehomed him to avoid him being killed but they had a bond. I stayed out with Carlos and the others a long time to keep an eye out for him. He did some exploring and getting to know his new friends. It was a little rough at first, but they were getting along when I came in, well after dark. My goats shared food with him and were almost showing him around. This poor little goat has really been through it. The bobcat did take one ear completely off and part of the other one. He does have some puncture wounds on his body and looks like he has a wound near his rectum and part of his nose is scabbed over. I know he has been through a lot lately so I will keep an extra good eye on him and give him some extra love. He is the sweetest thing. So loving even after all he has been through. Animals are so wonderful. I hope he is happy here and that’s all I care about. I know it’s hard on him and his owners, but I will take good care of him. Probably time to get my 501c3. Hahahahaha!!

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