Monday, September 27, 2021

And again

 Well, Jelly came back from his adventure. Peanut Butter has decided to go on an adventure and he isn’t back. I’m worried and upset. Jelly is depressed and is laying around. Luckily I have seen him eating and drinking, but he seems depressed. Peanut Butter is the one that never leaves the shop so I cannot imagine where he could have gone or why. I’m still holding out hope that he will come back, but the longer it is the sadder I get. I don’t want anything to have happened to him. I cannot imagine him going so far away that a predator could have gotten to him, but I cannot say that for sure. I have never seen him go far. I’m driving myself crazy and my husband crazy, too. He may really be out exploring, but who really knows. I keep watching out the back door to see if I can see him, but I haven’t. I know he is a cat and will do what he wants but my heart is breaking. I have looked in a lot of hiding spots and up in the trees, but no sign of him. I still have hope at this moment. I’m praying. 

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