Sunday, September 12, 2021

More Eggs

 Ronnie found another clutch of eggs outside. There were another 2 dozen of eggs. I did not get them cleaned up and have no idea how long they had been there. I didn’t clean them up when I should have because I wasn’t sure how to get it done. They are in some tall weeds that have spikes all over them. I wanted no part in that. I go out yesterday to look and see if they were still there thinking if they were I would clean them up if I could figure out how to and not get bit by a snake or filled it spikes from the weeds. I go out there to see if they are still there and there sits Edith on the pile of eggs. I waited too long. Now she will hatch them out. That will add to more chickens. I swear, these guys need to start laying in one area or I will be over run with chickens. 

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