Saturday, September 4, 2021

Rough Day

 What is happening around here?? Things are going crazy and there isn’t even a full moon. Ethel passed away on Thursday and now I have some chickens showing signs of illness. We go out to feed today and one of the smaller goats is injured. Bella won’t eat and is limping. Lucky has an eye injury. Alex doesn’t want to let Jasper eat. What is going on?? I do love doing this with all the animals here, but when one thing goes wrong, a lot goes wrong. I wormed Skippy who looks the worst with liquid wormer. I have the rest of the chickens pellets, they didn’t eat a whole lot of that, but hoping they got enough. I will start adding some stuff to their feed for awhile to see if that fixes the issue. I have also added apple cider vinegar to their water to boost their immune systems. As for Porkey, one of the smaller goats, he is quarantined on his own so the other two don’t beat up on him like I watched them do. I’m not sure what’s going on with him, but he has a little bit of a runny nose and will get meds tomorrow. He also has a leg he cannot stand on. Goats are ruthless and if they show signs of weakness, the other goats try to cull the herd. I don’t want that to happen, so I cleaned out the area Ethel was in completely and put him in there with fresh food and water. He was calling to the other goats and they were calling back. Hopefully he just sprained a leg fighting like they do and will be good as new in a few days. I have wormed all the dogs and outside cats, hopefully that’s all that’s going on with Bella and maybe a sticker in her paw. It has been hot lately, too, so she may just not want to eat. Lucky, I have to get close enough to him to put stuff in his eye, he may just have something in it, but it doesn’t look good. As far as Alex and Jasper, Jasper is still eating and Alex hasn’t been too terrible. We will see what happens there. Send help here, I’m going crazy. 

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