Monday, September 27, 2021

Now What??

 I have not been myself lately. Sometimes we all have to regroup and get ourselves together. I think it has been going on longer than I thought. I think I have myself together. However, this weekend was a little hard on me. I am sharing this only for teaching purposes. To show that we all make mistakes and none of us are perfect. I haven’t been around Jeb too much lately. I have not been close to him except to feed him and then I stay way back after being kicked not long ago. As I was outside working, he came over to me and just stood there like I’m not moving until you give me attention. As I looked up at him and started petting him, I realized his halter was too tight and it was rubbing him raw. It was almost like he was asking me to look so he could get it off. It took me a couple of tries to get it off but it came off. He didn’t have any wounds, but the hair had been rubbed off. He was so grateful that he wouldn’t leave my side. He keep almost missing my head and he would just keep nuzzling me like saying thank you. I told him how sorry I was and I just stood there letting the tears fall from my eyes. I mean, he is fine. I cleaned the spots that had been rubbed raw and he was happy. He went on his way of running around the pasture. I felt terrible about it. The only reason we even left it on was to give him meds when he needed them and to be able to put the lead rope on him to work with him. Jeb was grateful and I learned a lesson. I learned these animals really will tell you what they need if you can figure out how to listen to them. Poor Jeb. It’s all good now. 

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