Sunday, September 26, 2021

Happy Pigs

 It’s starting to get colder the last week. Looks like it isn’t going to stay really cold, but nevertheless, it was definitely cold at night. I have not been putting straw in shelters for the pigs since it has been so hot. They would make a spot in the dirt and they were fine. Now, we bought straw for them this week. I didn’t want them cold. Pigs do not regulate their body temperature well so they need help. Mud in the summer, straw in the winter. I want them as comfortable as possible. You should have seen their little faces when Ronnie and I brought in the straw. They were trying to rip it open themselves. We got the 2 shelters full of straw for them and they are loving it. They have made their beds in straw. It won’t be cold this week but we will start putting more in their as it gets colder. I was happy to see them helping me and the excitement on their faces. 

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