Saturday, September 11, 2021

Busy Day

 We have had an extremely busy day today. Ronnie and I have been discussing getting prepared for winter. Winter here comes out of no where and can snow like crazy. Not to mention the apocalyptic ice storm we had earlier this year. We were not prepared. We are not going to be unprepared again. We had our new barn built but we needed to fix the old barn also. Today we got the sheet metal back up on the barn to make sure the 4 donkeys and 3 goats that live on that side. We also have 12 or 13 chickens that roost in there. Last year was brutal since the wind was not blocked because of all the missing sheet metal. That was all fixed today. We also were able to investigate Porkey and his limping. We also let the cows out to graze for a couple hours which they loved. Alex has been having difficulty with diarrhea so he was medicated. We dumped and cleaned all the water troughs today. We mucked pens out. We had a visitor to see all of the animals. That is a normal Saturday though, we take care of these animals and get projects completed. 

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