Sunday, September 12, 2021

Bacon Bit

 Bacon Bit has been mad at me since we moved here. I know Gus has been bullied her and everyone else in there. We are working to prepare for winter and I think all the pigs need to be together to stay warm since winter is coming so fast but then we will build another pen and get them separated. I know it needs to be done. Bacon Bit is the only one though that refuses to come near me. She is one of those that would just fall over for belly rubs when I went in to see them before we moved. Now she runs away from me and that hurts. She is a sensitive pig and Gus doesn’t want anyone near me but him. However, Bacon Bit finally came over to me this weekend. I was so excited. She let me pet her and rub her belly. I sure do love that feisty pig. I’m hoping this means she will stop holding a grudge for the move and putting all of the pigs together. That’s all I want, for them to be happy and taken care of. It made my heart happy to get to pet her and love on her this weekend. 

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