Sunday, September 26, 2021

Happening Again

 I’m having flashbacks of Rona. She would disappear for a day and come back until she just didn’t come back anymore. I was leery of getting more cats for this reason, but I though Earl needed friends. Jelly came up missing the other day. The weather was cooler and he was out and about having a good time. I get it. I cannot keep them locked up. I have let them know they always have food and clean water and a home to sleep in. If they wonder off, there is not much I can do about it. I don’t want them to live in confinement. I want them to be able to come and go. However, cats do what they want to. Earl has never wondered off far. He always comes in for meal times. He knows where all the water troughs are. Jelly likes to hang out with the goats, so I know he knows his way around. So, Jelly was gone for a day or so, I got up the next morning and him and Earl are running through the field. So, he was fine and he has not done that again. Normally, like most cats, he sleeps during the day and wonders night. When he was gone Peanut Butter was a little beside himself. But, all is well when he got home.

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