Monday, September 6, 2021

Better day

 The last few days have been rough around here just because I care about these animals and want to do my very best for them. Lucky’s eye seems to be better after a squirt of meds in it. I tried again today but he wasn’t having it. Skippy seems better, his comb is not as pale as it has been the last few days so something I am doing is working. Porkey is still having difficulty with his leg. I trimmed some stuff off his hoof to make sure it wasn’t the hoof and not the leg. Looks like it is the leg. His little joint is swollen still but he is eating and drinking. I just hate for him to be by himself. He has never been alone before. I’m grateful the other goats, chickens and donkeys visit him through the fence. I am going to try some vet wrap on his leg tomorrow and see if that will help. I think the rest of the animals are good right now. I’m hoping these 3 get better really soon. 

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